Metagal: il titolo è in arrivo il 29 marzo sull’eShop di Nintendo Switch

Ratalaika Games ha rivelato la data di uscita ufficiale di Metagal, disponibile questa settimana sui Nintendo Switch europei.

Il titolo 2D platformer action game di RetroRevolution sarà infatti pubblicatoil prossimo 28 marzo 2019 sull’eShop europeo e americano di Nintendo Switch.

Potete trovare l’annuncio in calce all’articolo.

When those you Love have been taken and a Maniacal Fiend wishes to take over the World, You need a Hero of a different calibre. You need a hero, like METAGAL!

METAGAL Brings Old School 2D Platforming Action to consoles

Leon, Spain — 25th of March, 2019 — METAGAL was born and released on Steam and now METAGAL is ready to make her mark on consoles, with Ratalaika Games acting as publisher, when it becomes available on PS4, PS Vita, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch.

METAGAL will be released with a price of 4.99 USD / Eur. On SONY it will have cross-buy between PS4 & PSVita. Also 4 different trophy stack’s at launch.

It will launch on:

SONY America: March 26th, 2019
SONY Europe & Xbox One: March 27th, 2019
Nintendo Switch (EU&NA): March 29th, 2019

Players are thrown into the shoes of “Meta,” a cyborg girl, in her quest to rescue her Creator “Dr Ray” from the hands of “General Creeper,” the evil leader of a rogue army!!
To make matters worse, Metagal’s sisters were also kidnapped by Creeper and he’s turned them all into battle cyborgs, in order to use their powers so that he can at last, rule the world!! With no other option, Meta must face her sisters, free them, and copy their abilities, if she wishes to take down save those she loves and the world.
But even if she can endure 8 stages of intense action, there is still the final confrontation against Creeper himself!


Classic jump and shoot style platformer.
16-bit graphics.
8 levels that each have their own unique environment, detailed designs and different gimmick.
30 Enemies types, which doesn’t include the various Bosses.
Powerful new weapons that can be obtained by defeating each Gal Boss.
Lots of secret collectible items that can be used to power up your character.
Soft death penalty with “Gear” system allows player to resolve their mistakes with less frustration.
Unlockable new characters to play with, each come with their own powers and upgrades.


METAGAL is an 2D platformer action game.

You will take the shoes of “Meta” ,a cyborg girl, in her quest to rescue her Creator “Dr Ray” from the hands of “General Creeper”, the evil leader of a rogue army!!
Also Metagal’s sisters, were kidnapped by Creeper: he turned them in battle cyborgs, in order to use their powers to rule the world!! Meta must face her sisters, free them, and copy their abilities. She must fight for 8 stages of intense action, and prepare herself for the final confrontation against Creeper himself!

[Unique Features]

– Classic jump and shoot style platformer.

– 8 levels with unique environment,detailed design and different gimmick.

– 30 Enemies types not including Boss

– Defeat Gal No.# Boss and use their weapon.

– Collect secret items to power up your character.

– Soft death penalty with “Gear” system allows player to resolve their mistakes with less frustration.

– Controller and Keyboard customize support.

– Finish the game once and play as Boss Characters each come with their own power and upgrade!

Precedente SEGA Ages Puyo Puyo è in arrivo il 28 marzo sui Nintendo Switch giapponesi Successivo Jikkyou Powerful Pro Baseball: il titolo è in arrivo il 27 giugno sui Nintendo Switch giapponesi